Today’s CODAN began in 1939.
Sven Husted-Andersen, Sr. founds his first company D.E.H., Dansk Elektrohegn, in Copenhagen. The company produces and sells electrical apparatus for pasture fences and later also electrical mixers and shavers, alongside other products.
Sven Husted-Andersen, Sr. becomes interested in medicine when he befriends a Swedish medical doctor who served in the Korean War. Sterility problems and poor hygiene during medical care for ill and injured people inspire him to develop medical products for single use.
In the mid-fifties, PVC-tubing could be produced for medical use for the first time. Due to that, D.E.H. was one of the first companies with a product of this kind in the world.
Manufacture of the first automatically air-vented infusion set in the world – the R61 infusion set.
Expansion of the workshop and the injection molding department as well as construction of company-owned apartments for employees in Lensahn, Germany.
TRANSCODAN ventures "across the pond": MEDLON Inc. is founded in Burbank, California, USA.
Expansion of capacity, completion and commissioning of the new production building on the company site in Lensahn, a large new sterilisation unit also being part of the investment.
The name of the company is changed to CODAN as part of starting up direct sales companies. CODAN Medizinische Geräte GmbH & Co KG celebrates its 25th anniversary with around 600 employees.
The company erects a new warehouse with workshops in Lensahn.
Establishment of the direct sales company CODAN Vertrieb GmbH & Co KG (today CODAN pvb Medical GmbH) in Germany.
Establishment of the direct sales company CODAN BV in the Netherlands.
Acquisition of a production plant for single use syringes CODAN Medical ApS in Denmark.
CODAN develops and sells the first Cyto-Ad Z® systems for administration of cytotoxic drugs.
Relocation of MEDLON Inc. to Santa Ana, California, USA, and change of name to CODAN US Corporation.
Acquisition of sales and production company CODAN ARGUS AG in Switzerland.
Development, production and sales of volumetric infusion und syringe pumps.
Establishment of the direct sales company CODAN Medical GmbH in Austria.
Establishment of the direct sales company CODAN Inc. in Buffalo, NY, USA.